Small Biz Resolves Claim
Paul Prados helped a small business resolve a claim by former contractors who sought compensation for unpaid wages. These cases, brought under the Fair Labor Standards Act, create significant dangers for small business owners even when acting in good faith. Mr. Prados said “The line between independent contractor and employee can often be blurred.” The
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Federal Novation Success
The XLP Government Contracts team successfully guided a client through the process of Novating a Federal Government contract from a predecessor entity to a new entity. Federal Government contracts cannot be “sold” but they can be assigned to a new entity through the Novation process as part of an asset sale transaction. Clients express uneasiness
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The XLP Corporate Transaction team closed a Merger & Acquisition deal involving a Letter of Intent and an Asset Purchase Agreement securing IP rights, completing the closing and executing funds transfers. The Asset Purchase secured important IP rights and positioned our client for growth. XLP Professionals have significant real-world business experience performing detailed drafting, analysis
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Aviation Industry Win
Jill Helwig and the XLP Litigation Team secured a significant settlement for an aviation client In a dispute with a vendor over a damaged aircraft during maintenance. After filing and before Arbitration, the vendor agreed to cover the costs of all damages, filing and attorney’s fees.
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